I'd like to change my root password for MySql. I think I know where it's been used so I can update it, but I was wondering if ISPConfig is still using it somewhere after the initial install?
ISPConfig IS using it, because we need the right to add a database and to add user and so on.... have a look at the config-files (ATTENTION! if your have a multi-server environment, than there are TWO config files at the "slave"-server!)
Now you're going to make me feel bad. I can't remember where the config files are? I have a copy of one, but I didn'r say where it came from. NOTE: I think I found them: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/config.ing.php /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/config.ing.php but the password is encoded. How do I get around that?
the server has its file at /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib config.inc.php mysql_clientdb.conf the interface has its file at /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib config.inc.php hope, this helps Olli
i think the password is NOT encoded. it is in mysql_clientdb.conf the password in config.inc.php is NOT the root-pwd i think...
I was just going to ask that. I thought the save passwords in the config files were just the 'ispconfig' user.
I needed to change my mysql root password fast, not because my server was hacked, but because the desktopcomputer where this password was saved had a virus. The virus stole already all my ftp passwords saved in FileZilla and hackers used it to change my websites, adding scripts to every index.html and index.php. I do not know if they also have the mysql root password, but I thought it was better to change it, just to be sure. But the only ispconfig file I could find with the mysql root password is /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php I cannot find anything in /usr/local ??? Is it ok now, or did I miss something ? I am using ispconfig 2. I hope someone can help me. I really feel bad after this... Spent the last 15 hours removing all scripts from my websites :-(