OVH RPS Debian

Discussion in 'General' started by another_one, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. another_one

    another_one New Member

    Hi all!

    I'm on my first steps with everything regarding Linux, Server Management, and so on... so forgive me if every now and then (starting right now! :D) I'll ask silly questions! I promise I will learn quickly!! :p

    So, I've bought an OVH RPS with Debian 5 and ISPConfig. The server came with version and I hate to use old versions of everything... so I did an upgrade with Everything went smooth and now I'm running (good boy I am).

    But! Before the upgrade I could access ISPConfig with https (even if the certificate was not recognized), while now https is no longer accepted, i have to use http!

    So my today's silly question is: how to make https://ip:8080/ work again? :D

    TIA, bye!!!
  2. yoplait

    yoplait Member

  3. another_one

    another_one New Member

  4. yoplait

    yoplait Member

    For theses only times I can help a little :D ...

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