I need to change my host machine's name and primary IP address as I move it to a new colo. Can this be done via ISPConfig? If not, what am I going to need to change (and how) so that ISPConfig works properly with the new hostname and address? I'm not using ISPConfig for DNS, just web, database, and shell hosting. Thanks, Gene
I'm using CentOS 5.4 and I know how to change make the changes to the host. I don't know whether anything needs to be done to ISPConfig after I've change the host name and address. Are there any config files that need to be changed, or does it pick the changes up itself when it starts again? Thanks, Gene
I've changed the ipaddress in the ISPConfig panel. Are there other file which have to be changed manualy? I suppose mydns setting for every record has to be changed through the ISPConfig panel. right? But ist there anything else nessesary?