Perfect Server: Ubuntu 10.04: postfix/squirrelmail issues

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by gtblackwell, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. gtblackwell

    gtblackwell New Member

    I've never run a mailserver before, but I went through the Perfect Server tut without any installation issues. Website is up and running and postfix is able to send messages to outside addresses (i.e., my personal gmail account) but messages sent to [email protected] get rejected:

    This doesn't seem to have affected the logs at all (the test email was sent at 19:07:50):

    (I've noticed that I misspelled "locldomain" in /etc/hosts, but fixing that has had no effect on the problem.)

    here's /etc/postfix/
    In addition, squirrelmail fails every login attempt, saying "Unknown user or password incorrect." Here's a relevant portion of mail.log:

    I have my router forwarding port 25 to the server and my ip address is static. I've added nothing to the server beyond what the tut went over (save for the website in /var/www but that shouldn't matter).

    I've searched the web and have found various other people having problems logging in to squirrelmail, but there are so many different permutations and none of them match the issue I'm having, which makes me hesitant to attempt their workarounds for fear of screwing things up more.

    Any suggestions?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does the MX record for point to the correct server? You can check that by running
    dig mx
    Did you use the ISPConfig 2 or ISPConfig 3 Perfect Server guide?
  3. gtblackwell

    gtblackwell New Member

    I used the ISPConfig 3 tutorial. here is the output from dig:
    I gather that and should point to
  4. gtblackwell

    gtblackwell New Member

    After allowing the change to take effect, email is still being rejected. Here are the new results of dig:
    I assume it should be set to since I don't have a computer labeled smtp or mailstore1, as opposed to the old target servers.

    (I'm assuming this is meant to help the server accept incoming mails and will have no effect on whether or not I can log into squirrelmail. Is that correct?)
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You should have an MX record for, not, unless you have email addresses of the form

    Also, MX records must always point to A records; CNAME records are not allowed. So you could create an A record that points to your server's IP, and then you create an MX record for which points to
  6. gtblackwell

    gtblackwell New Member

    After correcting some fairly boneheaded settings in, the system can now send and receive mail, which I can access locally through mutt. Squirrellmail still refuses to recognize administrator as a user, as does Thunderbird. Not even sure what settings/logs/config files to present to help in solving this problem.
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Take a look at /var/log/mail.log.
  8. gtblackwell

    gtblackwell New Member

    mail.log isn't telling me much. Only that the login failed:

    (Not sure why the ip is being reported as ::1.)

    This hasn't told me anything that I didn't already know. The login simply fails, whether I use a simple username or a full email address.
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you send an email to [email protected] before you tried to log in (to make sure Maildir for that account exists)?
  10. gtblackwell

    gtblackwell New Member

    Yes. And mutt is able to read them and they're visible in ~/Mail/new
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Should be ~/Maildir/new.

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