Installing Fedora 13 on Windows Virtual PC

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by JOSHSKORN, Jun 11, 2010.


    JOSHSKORN New Member

    I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate which comes with Windows Virtual PC. I downloaded Fedora 13, skipped the hardware test and I'm at the screen to set up the partitions. I followed the tutorial but I'm a little bit weary as to clicking on the option to delete the partitions (Write stored configurations to disk). How can I be sure that this won't mess up my computer and that it's only writing to the virtual partition? Can someone help me here? Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to install Linux to Windows Virtual PC?
  2. Mark_NL

    Mark_NL Member

    You're working in a VIRTUAL environment .. the hard disc you see in your fedora installation is actually just a file on your real hard disc. "Write stored configuration to disk" will write changes in the virtual disc, not the real hard disc ;)

    JOSHSKORN New Member

    OK but how can I be sure that the virtual partition is a fixed size so it won't expand and write over my hard drive? I'm using Windows Virtual PC from Windows 7 Ultimate. Sorry I'm lost on these things. Thanks.
  4. Mark_NL

    Mark_NL Member

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