I was using the Beryl HOWTO as a guide for starting Compiz on CentOS 5.5 and just had a few questions... First of all I installed Compiz from this page and everything works fine, I can run it fine from the start menu shortcut or by typing fusion-icon. For whatever reason compiz --replace does not work for me, but you don't get the icon that method anyways... So I was using the Beryl scripts as a template, and used the following code: /usr/bin/startcompiz.sh Code: #!/bin/sh fusion-icon sleep 4 exec gnome-session /usr/share/xsessions/Compiz.desktop Code: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Compiz Exec=/usr/bin/startcompiz.sh Icon= Type=Application All I get is a black screen and all I can do is ctrl+alt F5 and get back to a terminal...where I usually just reboot to get a fresh start.... I tried putting the fusion-icon line at the bottom with a 10 second sleep time above it, but it does nothing that way (just normal desktop).... like this: (not sure why this couldn't work) Code: #!/bin/sh exec gnome-session sleep 10 fusion-icon So, I was just wondering if anyone had any different things I could try as I'm kind of lost as what to do next.... I've tried rc.local and even made rc.d scripts to no avail (runlevel 5).... although I can see why those methods would not work.... i still wanted to try it.... Thanks for any help.... (PS- I did install Beryl successfully yesterday and it started automatically with those scipts, but I'd rather use Compiz-Fusion as it's much more stable, as it should be I suppose)....this testing was done on a clean install with no remnants of Beryl..... (32-bit)
Seems like there is no real fix for this, you just have to set it on a per-user basis in the sessions menu (startup apps)... Not the most elegant solution, but whatever... it works /TOPIC