Install ISPConfig3 on a lve server

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by filch, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. filch

    filch New Member

    Probably been asked before but could not find the answer. Is there any way to install ISPConfig3 on a server after it has been live for a while? I know it is not the best way but wondering if it can be done reliably.


  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can not install a hosting control panel on a live server as the controlpanel has to rewrite the configuratiuon files. So either it will destroy your current config or the current config will cause that the controlpanel does not work.
  3. filch

    filch New Member

    Install on live server

    To be clear, this server does not have any version of ISPConfig on it at all. Does that change anything?

  4. filch

    filch New Member

    never mind ...stupid question.
  5. Toucan

    Toucan Member

    It's not such a stupid question. What you have to remember is there are few ways you can set a server up such as the different possible ways you can write apache vhost files. If you introduce ispconfig it may over write your existing config files etc potentially breaking your current set up

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