Hello, After upgrading ISPConfig from to there is a small problem when a client tries to change the website options: When a client is in the "Sites" tab, as he clicks on "Redirect" the page keeps displaying the "Domain" tab and he gets following error message: 1. Max. available Harddisk Quota: 350 MB Max. available Traffic Quota: 10004 MB However, none of these quotas match the quotas set for this website and used space is far less than these quotas (50 MB). The funny part is when the client clicks on the "SSL" tab and then returns to "Redirect", the error message doesn't appear. But still the client can't change any options. It only happens on the "Website" page so my guess was it has something to do with the web_domain_edit.php file. I'm no PHP programmer but to me this file looks good. Any help would be appreciated! Grtz, Arno.
This behaviour is absolutely ok. Login as admin and set the quota of the client and / or reseller to a higher value. Also you should be aware that a client can never change the options on the first tab when the website was originally created by the administrator. Only websites that were created by the client himself can be changed by the client.
Thanks for the answer. I indeed created the sites as admin, now I can see why this doesn't work. Is there a way to change the creator of the site afterwards?
The only way to change this is by editing the website record in the wed_domain table directly in the database with phpmyadmin, change the field sys_perm_group from 'ru' to ' riud' and sys_groupid from 0 to the groupid of the client (see sys_group table for the correct ID).
I made the changes as you said. Clients can change their website options now, but they still get the error messages. They have to click on another tab and then go back to get rid of the message. Every client is within his quota limits. I wonder where these messages come from?
Either a client or a reseller is not within his quota limits. Check it again. Be aware that you can not use unlimited in a website of the client or reseller has a limit set.
Ah, I didn't know that. I didn't set the website quota's because I thought the overall client traffic limits would do the job. The error messages are gone now. Thanks again for your support.
Website Options Panel not showing for Clients Hi everybody, I'm using ISPConfig I create a new Website as a Client or Reseller, I cannot view the Website Options Panel. I can only access the Website Options Panel if I logout from the Client end login as admin. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Claudio