WordPress sites don't work after 1 little change in Lighttpd

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by YamiHoshi, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. YamiHoshi

    YamiHoshi New Member

    I have 3 domain names running on my VPS.
    All 4 of the WordPress sites don't work anymore, after changing only 1 thing in Lighttpd.conf.
    At the very end, I've added this one:
    ## number of child worker processes to spawn (0 for lightly loaded sites)
    server.max-worker      = "2"
    Results: Every single site shows this:
    Error establishing a database connection
    I tried to remove that, but no success.
    I've restarted MySQLd and Lighttpd a billion times, and a full system reboot.
    Also, no success.

    Sorry to not mention the specs:
    CentOS 5.5-final x86_64.
    MySQL 5.x.
    128 MB RAM.
    256 MB Swap.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2010
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Any errors in the lighttpd logs?
  3. YamiHoshi

    YamiHoshi New Member

    I'm currently working on a Debian-based VPS.
    I'll fall back on this thread, when it's needed again.

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