ISPconfig setup - DNS, router and general access problems

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ingvar, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. ingvar

    ingvar New Member

    I recently setup a server following 'The Perfect Server - Fedora 9' instructions (excellent guide by the way). However being a complete noob at this kind of thing I am struggling with the final touches of the ISPconfig setup.

    Currently I am doing a test setup at home with my own network, but if I can get it to work properly I may deploy a server in a more realistic environment further on (which is why I am trying out ISPconfig for easier management later).

    Anyway, what I have done so far, and where I am currently stuck:
    I followed the guide and installed the server software and then ISPconfig. I had no major issues with any of that. The issue I had were that the gdm wouldn't start after the installation but I found that there was a line added to /etc/shells (/SENDMAIL/ANY/SHELL) which prevented gdm to start. Not sure if this is a bug in the ISPconfig setup for Fedora 9 but anyway, once the line was removed everything started fine. However I accidentally encrypted the RSA keys so I had to manually type in the password at reboot. Not a major issue to me but I changed this by following this post:
    Further more I also changed from https to http hosting of ISPconfig configuration page following this guide: (because I was having some problems with logging in I thought it might help, but it didn't really affect my problem).

    I also installed roundcube for webmail following the guide to install it to

    My problem now is the following. From the actual server machine I can log into the configuration page with or ( is in the /etc/hosts file). If I try I get the shared IP page (not sure if this is the correct behaviour but it might be, given that I haven't added any webpage at all). The problem is that if I try to login to the configuration page from anywhere else I get nothing. I get timeout or something saying that the address appears to be correct but there is no response from the server. My server is behind an adsl router modem, but the behaviour is the same if I try from any computer on the lan (other than the server and even if I add the server local IP to that machines /etc/hosts) or from the outside.
    I have forwarded ports 80, 81 and even 53 (UDP/TCP) and also tried to add my server as DMZ with no luck. I have a feeling all these things are related to some DNS setup or lack thereof in ISPconfig or somewhere else. I have not actually setup anything in ISPconfig other than the defaults during installation, but I figured I should be able to access the configuration page anyway. Am I wrong?

    It could be something trivial I am missing since I have never setup a proper server before. Any help would be much appreciated!

    Additional info:
    I have a domainname ( in this example) which I point to the name servers at There I setup A records for,, and all poining to my routers static public IP ( and an MX record I am not really sure how this works but since they just translate to my public IP and then get forwarded to my server through the router portforward, how does the ISPconfig know which of the domains I am actually loooking for?

    hostname and hostname -f both give me - (testserver was used during ISPconfig setup but the server name in the server settings still says "server 1" and host name www).

    When I first setup roundcube I used the pkg and I could access it locally from the server on but then I removed it and installed it manually following the guide for If I try locally I get an error message (error 500 I think it was but I am not by my server computer at the moment) which may just be some unrelated issue which is not my primary concern right now, but I am letting you know in case it is related.

    Sorry about the long rant but I hope someone can point me to my problem(s).
  2. ingvar

    ingvar New Member

    It sorted itself out. Actually I still don't know what went wrong, but I reinstalled ISPconfig again using the same settings except that I chose not to encrypt the keys from the beginning and I also chose http. It all just suddenly worked.

    Now there is another more specific question I have. In roundcube there is normally no way for email users to change their passwords. If you want to do that you can enable mail login for the site and then reach it on

    Since this is a bit awkward and definitely not what people are used to doing it is better to have the password change from the webmail client (roundcube in my case).

    In DirectAdmin this can be done by adding a frame to roundcube with some commands from DirectAdmin (http://youserver:2222/CMD_CHANGE_EMAIL_PASSWORD). (see for details ).
    Is there a similar function in ISPconfig or does someone know of another way of doing this?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  4. BradBartholomew

    BradBartholomew New Member


    It sorted itself out. Actually I still don't know what went wrong, but I reinstalled ISPconfig again using the same settings except that I chose not to encrypt the keys from the beginning and I also chose http. It all just suddenly worked.
  5. BradBartholomew

    BradBartholomew New Member

    Currently I am doing a test setup at home with my own network, but if I can get it to work properly I may deploy a server in a more realistic environment further on (which is why I am trying out ISPconfig for easier management later).

  6. ErikBam

    ErikBam New Member

  7. HaydenHarnet

    HaydenHarnet New Member

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010

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