Hi there, I'm very happy for many of the great howto's there are on this site, but...(there is always a but ) I can't find a howto which covers the perfect Firewall based on Debian? Right now I'm using this http://www.cyberdogtech.com/firewalls/ I'm getting ready to move to Lenny, and therefore I would be happy for a new howto. Anyone got a suggestion?
If you want a dedicated Firewall/Router/VPN Gateway system, take a look at IPCop: http://www.ipcop.org
Thanks Falko, I have looked at IPCop, But these days are difficult days, and therefore I don’t have a dedicated machine for gateway purposes. Furthermore we all should think of the environment, and therefore Ill prefer a setup where all the needed services as LAMP, SMB plus the requested Firewall and VPN setup is on the same hardware. You could say it is like http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-debian-lenny-ispconfig3 with shorewall and PPTP or preferable the OpenVPN. You could even say it’s more like the SMESERVER, which has all this out-of-the-box, but I really hate the RPM packages, and there is always some kind of personal changes in the setup. I might do it my self, and share it here