How the shell user can access to other domain?

Discussion in 'General' started by cyberjames, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. cyberjames

    cyberjames New Member


    I have created new domain on ISPConfig 3 namely "" with shell user account "example1". Now, I created another one "". How can I give access shell user "example1" to access the domain on shell?

    I'm not sure the approach in ISPConfig that every domain will have it's own unique shell user. That means, if I have 30 domains, then 30 shell user will be created as well. I just want to happen that one shell user can access to the other domain.

    Is it possible on this way for ISPConfig 3? How can I do that?

    Thank you.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Shell and FTP access is lawyas defined per domain. So very account can access only one domain.
  3. cyberjames

    cyberjames New Member

    As what I observed after playing ISPConfig 3, the FTP user could switch or assign with other domain. But in Shell user, you can't set for the other domain.

    Thus, the decent way to solve my situation is to use FTP. I am not sure what's the purpose of Shell in ISPConfig 3 but I think it's the way to view the domain & PHP log files (Correct me if I'm wrong)? How to view the domains & php logs inside of ISPConfig page?

    Also on MySQL database, how could I give access the particular user to the other database?


  4. Toucan

    Toucan Member

    For the db part, try using phpmyadmin. Using the root account Find the database you want to give access to and then assign privileges to the user.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Every shell and FTP user is bound to one website as every website runs under a separate linux user. So even if you would be able to see the files of another domain, you wont be able to edit tem. This is intended for security reasons.

    Also if you clients use any common webdesign software, e.g. dreamweaver, they need a separate FTP account for every website anyway.

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