Hi, I am newbie. I am using debian 4.0, I tried to upgrade ispconfig2 from v35 to v37. The sistem warns about some update to run: I open a new shell and run it but it fails with: I tried to apt-get update, but it fails with: And other similar errors. I went back to the first shell and answer "no" (I am not sure spamassasin is up to date) then the ispconfig instalation stops. I was happy I aparently managed to cancel the upgrade without breaking the ispconfig instalation but actually... I have lost control panel access!!! Thanks for any help.
Hi, gave me back my control panel. I suppose it was obvious for most of you but it was not so obvious for me. After some many operations, adding mirror in sources.list, upgrading perl... it seems I finally manage to install libnetaddr-ip-perl. Now I run newly the command: apt-get install libnetaddr-ip-perl libarchive-tar-perl And I get the following: Please, can anybody tell me if I can stop here, run the ispconfig upgrade to v37 and say "yes" when ISPconfig installation ask if I am absolutly sure libnetaddr-ip-perl libarchive-tar-perl are installed? Thanks.
Please see release notes, they contain special instructions for users of debian 4: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47925 as some packages of debian 4 are too old for current spamassassin versions. And dont forget to run "mkdir /root/ispconfig" before you try the update again or you will loose the database contents.
Thanks Till, Some little things was unclear for me so I decided to upgrade from debian etch to lenny, as I read in one of your post. I had some fears but I finally managed to do it. Sites, mail server, ftp, ispconfig are all running fine... on debian-lenny now. It's time to go to sleep so tomorrow I'll go on with the upgrade to ispconfig v37 and try to reboot Thankyou very much for your help.