CentOS server HOWTO

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by hrp2171, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. hrp2171

    hrp2171 New Member


    I was following the CentOS Perfect Server HOWTO. Reached the part where I'm supposed to configure the Firewall, but was doing something else and the screen disappeared. Then the text logon screen came up. In Slackware, one can run setup to open the setup screen from installation. Is it the same under Cent OS?

    It's Cent OS 5.5 32bit as a guest in Virtualbox.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Which tutorial exactly (URL) did you use?
  3. hrp2171

    hrp2171 New Member

    Thanks for your reply.

    I just figured it out this morning.

    Kept reading the tutorial and the command to start security config was given:

    system-config-securitylevel <-- corrected the command, was missing the word level :)

    From there, I was able to figure out other commands, like the one to configure the network. However, I ended up editing the text files directly. Much more control.

    But the utility did come in handy to follow along the HOWTO.

    Here's the link to it:

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