Updated to ISPConfig 3.0.3

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by guimnk, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. guimnk

    guimnk Member

    Hi all..

    I'm using the ISPConfig 3.0.3. Very good panel. Congratulations Till, falko and all ISPConfig Team.

    I've two questions:

    1) Looking the how-to "installation in ubuntu 10.04 by falko", I install the bind9. This service is UP, but my name service down.. All sites is stopped.. So, I stop bind and the server is up.. I can use myDNS or is needed to migrate to bind9?

    2) In website table, I can set the "backup". That's great! But, how can I do specify the local to backup? (second HD)

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) What did you do exactly? You mean you had run the server with mydns, then uninstalled mydns and installed bind now? So basically you want to migrate your server from mydns to bind, in that case you will have to edit a value in every dns record, e.g. change the ttl and click on save, so that the changes get transferred to bind.

    2) System > Server Config
  3. guimnk

    guimnk Member

    1) What I meant was about the use of bind. If bind is just a new option of DNS service, I will continue using myDNS.

    2) Thanks.

    Thanks for all support Till, falko and all ISPConfig Team.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Bind is just there as alternative option instead of mydns. So there is no need to replace mydns with bind if mydns works for you.
  5. Sinchan

    Sinchan New Member

    can i update from ispconfig

    my server is still using ispconfig, and now i want update to 3.0.3
    Can i update to ISPConfig 3.0.3 without update to ISPConfig first?
    Thank you in advance
  6. guimnk

    guimnk Member

    sinchan: Yes! You can update your ispconfig to 3.0.3.. no problem.. Just execute "ispconfig_update.sh". If you uses myDNS, stop your "bind9"

    /etc/init.d/bind9 stop
    update-rc.d -f bind9 remove
    Till: myDNS works for me.. But, tell me why bind is inserted to ispconfig.. ?

  7. bruno_floyd

    bruno_floyd New Member

    I have the ISPconfig working very well with a bunch of changes I made... including code modification, inclusion of one table on the database and the creation of a new module.

    If I run the update to 3.0.3, only the services are updated or the whole system?
    And if it's the whole system, Can I have some problems regarding to the modifications I did?

    I bought the manual and couldn't find that issue...

  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The whole ISPConfig is replaced, so you're likely to lose your code changes.

    The services are recondifured only if you tell the updater to do so.

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