Hi, i just tested: http://dnsreport.com/tools/dnsreport.ch?domain=nero-server.com What i wanna know is, how to fix those failed fields? Thanx! //Nejko
Error #1: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17963&postcount=2 Error #2: Did you create A-Records for your domain in the ISPConfig DNS-Manager?
Error #1, done. Bur after cahanging something in dns manager it dissapers Error #2, how to do that? Thanx!
You must change this also in the named.conf template in /root/ispconfig/isp/conf, otherwise ISPConfig overwrites your changes in your named.conf. You must create a zone for your domain on the DNS Manager and then create the needed A records.
You go to the DNS Manager, then to the appropriate zone, and then to the "Records" tab. There you can create A records.