I just saw that a new version of Roundcube is out 0.4.1. I will check it to during the weekend if everything will work with it. But there shouldn't be really any problems with it.
I am using ispconfig 3.0.3 and Roundcube 0.4 I got the plugins on Sept 20th from SVN. If I was not logged in and my url was domain.com/?_task=mail I would get messed up HTML. It appears that the task is included in a hidden variable above the login boxes causing the substr match to be off at times. I made this change to ispconfig3_autoselect.php to fix this issue: Code: function template_object_loginform($args) { $args['content'] = str_replace("<tr><td class=\"title\"><label for=\"rcmloginhost\">Server</label>\n</td>\n<td><input name=\"_host\" id=\"rcmloginhost\" autocomplete=\"off\" type=\"text\" /></td>\n</tr>","",$args['content']); return $args; } Now the login page is rendered consistently regardless of the url. Thanks for all of the hard work on this!
ISPConfig Plugin Autoselcet problem. Hello, i have an ispconfig 3.0.3 multiserver environment with roundcube 0.4.2. I have installed all ispconfig3 plugins for roundcube. all plugins are fine, but if i insert the ispconfig3_autoselect plugin roundmail crashes with the following error: Code: roundcube: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [Client] SoapClient::SoapClient() [<a href='soapclient.soapclient'>soapclient.soapclient</a>]: 'uri' option is requred in nonWSDL mode in /var/www/webmail/plugins/ispconfig3_autoselect/ispconfig3_autoselect.php:21#012Stack trace:#012#0 /var/www/webmail/plugins/ispconfig3_autoselect/ispconfig3_autoselect.php(21): SoapClient->SoapClient(NULL, Array)#012#1 /var/www/webmail/program/include/rcube_plugin_api.php(126): ispconfig3_autoselect->init()#012#2 /var/www/web any idea what is wrong ? thx for any help ... greets
Works great so far I have ISPconfig 3.0.3 beta and roundcube 0.4.1 installed and working beautifully now. Just doing minor tweaks to the interface and adding features now. I added the roundcube plugin markasjunk so that users could have a little more control. Easier than telling them to move spam that gets through to the junk folder. It appears that all this plugin does is move the message to junk folder and that is it. I noticed that there is a markasjunk2 plugin available which uses SpamAssassin User Prefs plugin. I read elsewhere in the forum that Amavis-d does not support preferences in an sql database. So is there no way to get this plug in to work? It would be nice to let the user mark a message as not spam and have it added to the whitelist. Or also to have a spam message learned when it is marked. Otherwise if people empty their Junk mailboxes before the salearn process is run, those messages could come in again. Any thoughts? What do others of you use?
You should use markasjunk2, no it doesn't use Spamassassins User Prefs. Althougth it is using the Spamassassin learning function sa-learn. But there are multiple ways what markasjunk2 is supporting.
Are there any specific changes that must be made to the markasjunk2 config file for this setup to work properly? I would be happy if it would at least move the "not junk" back to inbox and maybe also whitelist. Thanks for your help Horfic
"Accounts" tab What if step 9 does not show up? 9. A new tab ("Accounts") should now be visible on your settings page in Roundcube, displaying all plugins enabled in step 8. Now when I first set up ISPConfig (latest) with Roundcube (latest) I had an issue where I could only get to the webmail link via base server location and not through one of the site links. I have since got the webmail site to show via http://mydomain.com/webmail. But since getting this to work properly, I can not get the Mailuser interface to show up when the user I set up as the REmote user logs in. Any ideas? Thanks!
Hey Horfic, Just upgraded to 3.0.3 but the forward plugin was already translated to French correctly, so the file I sent you the last time should be enough. Any chance that you will push them in the SVN so I won't have to add my patch all the time ? Cheers LeTic
Below are the installation instructions for the Mailuser plugins for SquirrelMail 1.5.x combined with ISPconfig 3. Installation/upgrade instructions 1. Make sure you are using the latest stable version of ISPConfig3. (Currently 3.0.3) 2. Go to your ISPconfig panel and add a new remote user. (Tab "System" > "Remote users") Tick Mail domain functions Mail user functions Mail alias functions Mail spamfilter user functions Mail spamfilter policy functions Mail fetchmail functions Mail spamfilter whitelist functions Mail spamfilter blacklist functions Mail user filter functions Client functions Server functions 3. (OPTIONAL IF ABOVE DOESN'T WORK!) Go to PHPmyAdmin and execute the following MySQL-query on your ispconfig database. Don't forget to edit the remote username in the query. Code: UPDATE `remote_user` SET `remote_functions` = 'mail_domain_get,mail_domain_add,mail_domain_update,mail_domain_delete;mail_user_get,mail_user_add,mail_user_update,mail_user_delete;mail_alias_get,mail_alias_add,mail_alias_update,mail_alias_delete;mail_forward_get,mail_forward_add,mail_forward_update,mail_forward_delete;mail_spamfilter_whitelist_get,mail_spamfilter_whitelist_add,mail_spamfilter_whitelist_update,mail_spamfilter_whitelist_delete;mail_spamfilter_blacklist_get,mail_spamfilter_blacklist_add,mail_spamfilter_blacklist_update,mail_spamfilter_blacklist_delete;mail_spamfilter_user_get,mail_spamfilter_user_add,mail_spamfilter_user_update,mail_spamfilter_user_delete;mail_policy_get,mail_policy_add,mail_policy_update,mail_policy_delete;mail_fetchmail_get,mail_fetchmail_add,mail_fetchmail_update,mail_fetchmail_delete;mail_user_filter_get,mail_user_filter_add,mail_user_filter_update,mail_user_filter_delete;client_get,client_get_id,client_add,client_update,client_delete;server_get' WHERE `remote_user`.`remote_username` = '<<REMOTE USERNAME>>' LIMIT 1 ; Note! that the SVN version is the most up-to-date version of the plugins and should at any time be preferred over the archived form. Old (archived) versions which are online can harm or misconfigure your system and are NOT supported! 4. Installing Make sure you are in the plugins directory of your SquirrelMail installation Code: cd plugins Get the code. FOR VERSION <= Code: svn co http://svn.web-wack.at/ispconfig3_squirrelmail/branches/ ispconfig3 FOR VERSION 3.0.3 Code: svn co http://svn.web-wack.at/ispconfig3_squirrelmail/trunk ispconfig3 Check that the the ispconfig3 directory is created and set the ownership permissions to your web server user Code: ls chown -R <<webuser>>:<<webgroup>> ispconfig3 cd ispconfig3 5. Updating Make sure you are in the ispconfig3 plugin directory of your SquirrelMail installation Code: cd plugins/ispconfig3 svn up . 6. Copy the file config.php.dist to config.php. Code: cp config.php.dist config.php Edit the file and ensure your remote user details are correct: Code: $ispc_config['remote_soap_user'] = '<<REMOTE USERNAME>>'; $ispc_config['remote_soap_pass'] = '<<REMOTE PASSWORD>>'; $ispc_config['soap_url'] = 'http://<<YOUR SERVER>>:8080/remote/'; Change the port (set to "8080" by default) if necessary and please note that when using SSL to access ISPconfig panel, use "https://" instead of "http://". For example, if your username is "Santa", your password is "Claus", your server's domain is "christmas.com" (Or you can use an IP), your ISPconfig panel is accessed through port 1111, and you are not using SSL, your configuration would be: Code: $ispc_config['remote_soap_user'] = 'Santa'; $ispc_config['remote_soap_pass'] = 'Claus'; $ispc_config['soap_url'] = 'http://christmas.com:1111/remote/'; Any module that you want disabled can be remove from enabled_modules. For instance, if you do not wish to give the mail user the ability to change his or her's password you can omit "password" from $ispc_config['enable_modules']. It would then look like this: Code: $ispc_config['enable_modules'] = array('fetchmail', 'forwarding', 'autoreply', 'mailfilter', 'policy', 'wblist'); 7. Enable the plugin in the SquirrelMail config file. Go to your config directory and run conf.pl. Choose option 8 and move the plugin from the "Available Plugins" category to the "Installed Plugins" category by entering the number next to ispconfig3. Save and exit. Code: cd ../../config/ ./config.pl 8. A new box should be available in the options page called 'Account'. Troubleshooting and FAQ Please see: this link Current Plugins Status (As last updated instructions revision 13) Account overview (general - always enabled) Fetchmail management (fetchmail) Autoreply management (autoreply) Spamfilter policy and move to junk management (policy) Spamfilter white and black list management (wblist) Password management (password) Mail User Filter management (filter) Forwarding (forwarding) Multi server login (autoselect) Current languages supported: Please see: this link Disclaimer: Neither of the authors of the different parts of the plugins or the installation instructions are responsible for any harm/damage done to your system or any other problems as a result of using these plugins downloaded in either the SVN or any other copy otherwise obtained. By downloading and using the plugins, you agree to the fact that usage of the plugins, it's individual language packs, configuration files and installation instructions is at your sole risk and no responsibility can be taken by any of the authors. However if any problems do somehow emerge, please do feel free to ask for help in this topic and we'll see what we can do for you!
just wanted to say if you mess up your ispconfig installation and get soap error: error getting html headers edit roundcube plugins/ispconfig3_account/config/config.inc.php and change from http to https i.e. <?php $rcmail_config['remote_soap_user'] = 'santa'; $rcmail_config['remote_soap_pass'] = 'claus'; $rcmail_config['soap_url'] = ''; ?> edit to fit your installation. cheers
I have question What use name are they referring to when you do the chown webuser:webgroup? Can you please clarify what user name you are referring to. Thanks
I have question When you say choose webuser:webgroup on the chown ispconfig3 directory what user are you talking about. Thanks
hi kvess that refers to the sytem user and group your web server or virtual host is configured to run as. This step ensures that you have the correct file permissions set for the plugin. For example: If you are using a stock debian and apache install this would be www-data:www-data.
Time for autoreply Hi, does it work to set up the from and to date and time in the roundcubemail plugin? If I set the time in ispconfig, it is shown correctly in the roundcube-plugin. But when I hit the save button in the rc-plugin - the time is misformated ... I use debian 5, ispconfig 3.03, rc 0.4 and the actual plugin. My locale is set to de_De.UTF-8 Nice afternoon vistree
question & praise First off, thank you Horfic for this freakin' excellent plugin. Dropped it right in and, once I removed some quotes, it worked perfectly on a multiple-domain ISPConfig3 setup. Next, I was curious as to if there was a simple way to make the autoreply page show up similar to the ISPConfig page with the drop-down menu for date/time and perhaps loading the previous dates along with the actual reply message. I'd try this but my Linux/PHP/SQL experience is still in its infancy, despite my being comfortable with a CLI. It would be perfect if those two little things could happen and, once again, thank you for some awesome programs till & Horfic!!!!