WebDav Error 500

Discussion in 'General' started by HyperAtom, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. HyperAtom

    HyperAtom New Member

    When browsing to mydomain.com/test which is created by ispconfig 3.0.3 beta i get an internal server error. I have checked the domain's vhost file and everything seems to be ok. I have also tried it on other domains on my server producing the same result.

    In my apache log I get the error:

    [crit] [client] configuration error: couldn't check user. No user file?: /test

    mod_dav+ dav_fs are enabled for apache to use.

    Im thinking this could be a user pemission problem, I have not changed them:

    /test directory is owned by correct web user and correct client
    there was a /files directory auto created, not sure it's purpose with user www-data + group.

    Ruby is installed.

    Please could anyone help?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    How did you access the website? With a webbrowser or a webdav client? The website directory can not be accessed with a webdav client. For webdav users there are separate directories which are not inside the web directory.
  3. HyperAtom

    HyperAtom New Member

    Im trying to access the directory using a web browser. In the ispconfig webdav user settings, the directory is webdav/test
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    webdav directories can only accessed with a webdav client. The web directory of a website can only be accessed with a webbrowser.
  5. HyperAtom

    HyperAtom New Member

    Im using bitkinex as a wevdav client now, I have entered the server address as mydomain.com. authorisation is the username and password of webdav user and the path /test is added to the sitemap. Cant seem to connect, im inexperienced in webdav and cant seem to figure out how it works with ispconfig.
  6. fireba11

    fireba11 Member

    hi, i got exactly the same problem.
    was using webdav bevore upgrading ISPConfig to 3.0.3 and it worked fine.

    my old one broke (had modified the site file myself) so i tried setting up with ISPConfig now.

    configuration error: couldn't check user. No user file?: /[user]

    am using lightning as client and tried with webdrive just to be sure.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Most likely the website config did not include the webdav placeholders yet. Edit a value in the website settings e.g. quota and click on save. If this does not solve the problem, post the exact error message from the error.log of the website.
  8. fireba11

    fireba11 Member

    updating the site did not change anything.
    client reports a 500 error ...

    log shows only this:

    [Wed Oct 27 12:42:16 2010] [crit] [client] configuration error: couldn't check user. No user file?: /fireba11
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  10. fireba11

    fireba11 Member

    yes, did try http://dav.domain.de/user
    if i put webdav in there i get a not found error, which is correct looking at the config files.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The URL you used will not work with the webdav implementation in ISPConfig 3.0.3, please see my example on how webdav URL's look like.
  12. fireba11

    fireba11 Member

    1) what should the url look like? the web i did set up webdav for is "dav.domain.de" though ...
    2) it still shouldn't give a 500 error don't you think?
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) The setup you used is not supported, so I dont know if it will work with ISPConfig 3.0.3 or not. For the URL that ispconfig uses, see my post above.
    2) Any kind of error may occur if you use a modified setup.
  14. fireba11

    fireba11 Member

    hm .. i would have at least expected a hint about that somewhere.

    anyway, i removed the webdav user from the dav.domain.de web (config got removed as expected) and added it to the domain.de web.
    but somehow no webdav config got added to domain.de.vhost

    couldn't find an error in any log file i found.
    any pointers what might be the problem?

    i'm a bit lost right now. thanks.
  15. fireba11

    fireba11 Member

    * it works for subdomains just as well
    * mod auth_digest was missing (and as far as i can tell never mentioned as needed anywhere
    * it doesn't add webdav config for domain.de, probably because domain.de is my main domain everything else depends on ... probably a glitch somewhere afaikt
  16. HyperAtom

    HyperAtom New Member

    Thanks fireba11, I was missing auth_digest which prevented the login prompt being shown.

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