Samba setup using Ubuntu 5.10. No internet access

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by LuisC-SM, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    Hi guys, after installing samba I cannot conect to internet.

    My /etc/hosts file
    My /etc/network/interfaces file:
    My /etc/resolv.conf file
    My list of open Ports from my router
    My Router asigns for static IPs and to DHCP.
    In the explorer i cannot connect to in my Toshiba machine to add a printer (it fails) even when I have made a rule for port 631.
    Thanks for the time in advance for your help.

    Kind Regards

    Luis C. Suarez


    My netstat -tap:
    My dig google command
    ifconfig output
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2006
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Is that system also the gateway ( Have you tried to restart the network?
    /etc/init.d/networking restart
  3. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    Same Gateway yes (or if you mean my routers gateway let me check and post back)
    I did it about 5 times with the same results (the restart)

    Kind Regards
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2006
  4. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    My ISP's values:
    Local Network values:
    Kind Regards

    Luis C. Suárez
  5. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member


    Hey Falko.
    Thanks again.
    Your question was the answer... My gateway was wrong, I used the same one on your manual, so I believe that was the problem... I changed it, reboot the server and voila!!! :D

    But I still cannot connect with Let me recheck the parameters and if all is right... I'll come back.... else.... just thanks again

    Kind Regards

    Luis C. Suárez
  6. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    Well, I cannot connect to it gives me a 403 Forbidden error.

    I've gone through all installation and can't guess what's the problem.

    Kind Regards

    Luis C. Suárez
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does the firewall allow access to port 631?
  8. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    I really don't know, after 2 hours of investigating my router's console the only thing I could find is this:
    I do not know what it means but I can not access the CUPS interface anyhow.

    Any ideas?

    Kind Regards

    Luis C. Suárez
  9. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    Port 631 is now open and still cannot get to

    I rebooted both boxes (server and workstation) this is my /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file:
    Kind Regards.

    Luis C. Suárez
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2006
  10. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    Ive been looking for threads related to cups and see taht probabilly the problem is my cups conf file :mad: Ive checked my /var/log/cups/error_log and this is what I found:
    so I checked my /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file to see if I had something wrong and seems to me that everything is fine :confused: :
    Now I'm completely lost :confused: :confused: :

    Luis C. Suárez
  11. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    ok now

    Well, Ive been throu a lot of threads and finally found the mistake.

    I'm sure glad this time it was not from my side.

    I think there should be an update for the Samba Ubuntu HOwTo as far as I just did as it's said and there is a mistake in the cupsd.connf file (the mistake is in the tutorial).

    Due to this thread:*631*
    Ive DL a file from Till and there is a difference in the file and the tutorial.

    Anyhow now I can connect to CUPS throu the browser. but still same error in
    Kind Regards.

    Luis C. Suárez
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2006
  12. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    I've also seen that there is no chance to add printers in samba unless you change some parameters in /etc/samba/smb.conf file in the [public] section
    otherwise, it will allways prompt for a root password and will not let u introduce the real passwd (even when u retype it 100 times).
  13. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    Anyhow, the printer I'm trying to install is a Canon .Pixma 1000 and there seems to be a bug in CUPS that is causing all this trouble, but there is also some workaround with possible fix.
    I've not tried it yet but here is the link so anybodiy can take a look.:

    Kind Regards.

    Luis C. Suárez
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Hi Luis,

    thanks for your pointers. I will check this and update the howto.

  15. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    Hi Till

    You are wellcome (Sie bite).

    We (howto's users) are obligated to give feedback as far as software gets updated and upgraded.

    Kind Regards.

    Luis C. Suárez
  16. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    some feedback

    I went thru all the howto once more and; besides the above points, id like to give u some more feedback.

    Maybe you should advice people to not to pay atention to this warnings.

    Page 5 of the howto (last page)

    It stands the following:
    and you should also include:
    I think that's all I found.

    Kind Regards

    Luis C. Suárez
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2006
  17. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    Printed is installed but will not work :mad:

    Strange.... I added the printer with the cups interfase.... added to samba .... and can NOT print... here is my error_log from cups.
    Printer is recognized but cannot even print...:(
    Any ideas?

    Kind Regards...

    Luis C. Suárez
  18. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  19. LuisC-SM

    LuisC-SM New Member

    Hi Falko, and tnx again for your response.

    As I've stated before, I had Till's CUPS file. I had only changed the IPs and wrokgroup to match my own config.

    One thing I noticed is that in one of the posts kindly offered by you, I found the same problem with the AuthGroupName thing. So my problem continued (even using Till's file) so what I did was to remove AuthGroupName shadow and put it in the admin section and I dont have anymore that error.
    Now I have this error:
    but I suspect that's because I got no ink now (after printing in other distros around 30 to 40 copies), so I just wait until Monday morning to get a new ink cartrigde :rolleyes: . So I'll post any comments by then.

    Kind Regards.

    Luis C. Suárez.

    PS. Till, Indeed you must make an update for this nice tutorial. I think samba and/or cups have been upgraded from the ubuntu's repsoitories.

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