port changing on 8080 to 443

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by vk1003, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. vk1003

    vk1003 New Member

    my server runs on ispconfig 3 with centos 5.5.. the sites are working perfectly fine but the only issue is that the ispconfig admin login section is opening only on port 8080 and in many plces people are not able to see the control panel login.

    Is the above said step the one to change the port :8080 to https://domainname.com:443 one ! ?pls advice..

    To be more perfect

    mytranslator.in is now running on this server and http://mytranslator.in:8080 is not opening in major areas and hence i want this to be https://mytranslator.in:443 where my ispconfig admin login opens up for my reseller and my client login.

    pls help

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can do this if the server is running the controlpanel only without any websites on it by editing the ispconfig vhost file. If the server is used for hosting websites, then port 443 is reserved for the hosted sites and can not be used for the ispconfig controlpanel.
  3. vk1003

    vk1003 New Member


    hi till,

    the sites are hosted on http and not any sites are hosted on https.. will it be possible ?

  4. vk1003

    vk1003 New Member

    any other ports?

    or is it possible to use other ports like 2000 or 8443 (like plesk / helm)..

    it would be fine if i can have http://mytranslator.in/cp to load the ispconfig so that my clients can login and create mail ids..

    or if we can automate in a way to load http://controlpanel.mytranslator.in to load the ispconfig login panel is also fine..but want all these to be automated so that i dont need to sit for each creation separately.. any way ?

  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can use any port that is unused. If you have multiple IP addresses, you can even use port 443 if the IP address that you use for ISPConfig isn't used by any other website.

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