Trying to install Magento, it looks to me that all of the requirements for magento are installed, but clearly they are not. I can not change the file permissions in the magento installation and I get the white screen. The Magento-checker shows it all, I think. This is the result I want. This is what I am getting. The patchshop is on a different server Any clue's
First, make sure that you selected as php mode "php-fcgi" and that the "Suexec" checkbox in the website settings is enabled. Then edit the php.ini file and ensure that short_open_tag is set to on: short_open_tag = On
Hi Till, I have done all of this, but still no good. I am not totally confident that the pdo_mysql extension has been installed properly, I have not been able to find a pdo_mysql 64bit RPM for SuSe 11.3 yet. What are the chances of a 'Total Screwup' if I do a full re-install of the latest version of PHP 5. ? Cheers Ron
Please add: short_open_tag = On in the custom php.ini field on the options tab of the website and click on save. Then wait a few minutes and try again. If this wont help, then please add a php file with the following content: <?php phpinfo(); ?> in the farmsforsale webspace and check in the output if short_open_tag is on or not. The current probem is not related to pdo_mysql as far as I see.
Good Morning, I have done this, I placed <?php phpinfo(); ?> in a new file called php_info.php, also added it into the index.php page I am not sure where you want me to check output. Still no good. Backto pdo_php for a second I searched the server for all of the Magento Requirements: mcrypt and pdo_mysql were not found, so, I installed mcrypt from Yast. pdo_mysql is not available in Yast, the only way so far that I have found to get it is in a full copy of php5 Till, Thanking you for your help here Ron
Good Morning Till, Yes, short_open_tag = On Well I am baffled, it all looks ok to me I notice that pcre.ini and simplexml.ini don't appear in the "Additional .ini files parsed" section, but are 'enabled' lower down on the report. Have the same php.ini content in ect/php5/ and the website. I have adjusted the php.ini in farmsforsale to reflect the php output from thepatchshop, remember thepatchshop is on a commercial server But it is still not correct. I have put a message on the openSuSe forum asking does anyone have Magento operational on SuSe 11.3 with ISPConfig 3, but no reply yet.