Ubuntu 10.10 Total Freeze

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by jackgow, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. jackgow

    jackgow New Member

    hey guys,
    I'm having a problem with my Ubuntu 10.10 system. After installing the OS it worked fine. But after one or two restarts it totally freezes i mean NO Ctrl+Alt+Bckspc , NO Ctrl+Alt+F1 and Ctrl+Alt+Del works for me. I have the same problem with Ubuntu 10.04 , 9.10 also. ( Only Ubuntu version 9.04 Works fine for me ). But i want to make use the latest one. Please help me to do this guys.

    Here is my system config:

    Mercury PI945GCM
    Intel Dual Core
    2 GB RAM
    1 TB HDD

    Is there anything wrong with my configuration??

    my partition is like this,

    58 GB for / (root)
    20 GB for /home
    20 GB swap

    The Other partitions are NTFS for my Windows 7 Ultimate. ( i mean i have dual boot Ubuntu & Windows 7 ).

    After Ubuntu fails some time it crush the GRUB loader, so that i can't boot windows either. Any buddy tell me why this happen to me?

    I've try to install Linux Mint 10 also but it freezes while installing..!!

    Now I loaded the openSUSE 11.4 milestone 3. It works fine for now but i can't connect to internet , it asks for "linux-atm-lib" . i don't know how to do that ..

    Still i want to use the Ubuntu 10.10 Please help me to find my problem..!!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you see any errors during the boot process?
  3. jackgow

    jackgow New Member

    No.. It boots correctly .. after login from 60-80 secs it automatically freezes. But last time I didn't even boot . That my GRUB crushed i can't see the boot menu. then i use hiran boot cd to boot into windows.
  4. jackgow

    jackgow New Member

    Problem Almost Solved !!!

    Hey guys,

    Thanks for your support and replies. But i've solved this problem of my own. Actually i does a simple change in my installation configuration. That in my old configuration i gave 58 GB space for Root (/) , this time i split the 58GB into 24GB and 34GB of partitions and install 24GB for the Root(/) and 34GB for /usr . Now the problem was almost solved for me. My Ubuntu boots, login and i can use it without freeze. But still some times i got freeze. ( for ex. installing/running a heavy software like VMware..etc). Any buddy got idea about this issue ??

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