Mailuser interface

Discussion in 'Plugins/Modules/Addons' started by Horfic, Aug 23, 2009.


Would you like to see a mailuser interface for Roundcube & Squirrelmail?

  1. Yes

    220 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  1. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    I will have a look at the misformated time on sunday.

    I will change it to a dropdown. To your second regard, well it isn't a feature in ispconfig, so I would have to save it in the rc database, what isn't a problem, but you wouldn't be able to see them in ispconfig.
  2. baditup

    baditup New Member

    autoreply date drop down

    Regarding having your mail plugin load previous dates on autoreply message: ISPConfig3 actually does save the previous set dates only if you use IT to set the autoreply (and if it's just MY install of ISPConfig or some weird browser caching thing I apologize). Not sure how your plugin works but it seems like it reads the same db field as ISPConfig does and if ISPC does, in fact, save the dates that would be a neat feature for your plugin! :cool:
  3. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    Well I will check if I got time.
  4. baditup

    baditup New Member

    awesome dude! thank you so much! :)
  5. csiebert

    csiebert New Member


    i used your tut to install the plugin a few weeks ago, and all went fine. now i made an update of ispconfig to the actual stable version, and from now on, i weren't able to use the plugin. trying to change the password results in an error: "Soap Error: error Fetching http headers".

    additional, i cant reach your svn rep. is there a change in the adress?

    thanks, chris
  6. jariasca

    jariasca Member

    Soap Error: function 'Server_get' doesn't exist.

    Hi all,

    I Installed the ISPCONFIG3_FORWARD and I'm getting this error, all other plugins work fine just this one is getting the error msg.

    Soap Error: function 'Server_get' doesn't exist.

    please advise,

  7. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    I guess you are using now https for ispconfig, so you also have to change this in the plugin configuration

    server_get function is implemented in ISPConfig 3.0.3 or higher
  8. Wojtek1

    Wojtek1 New Member

    Mail Filter problem

    When I create a mail filter in Roundcube, everything seems ok:
    it is visible in the client panel (Ispconfig) in Mail Filter; it is visible on the admin account (Ispconfig) in Mail Filter and Custom Rules.
    The problem appears after deleting a mail filter from Roundcube after it has been deleted from Mail Filter, but not from Custom Rules (Ispconfig).
    The user may think (as this is what they see) there are no mail filters - but the filter is still on - the admin can see it in Custom Rules menu (Ispconfig).

    When I delete it from Ispconfig directly, everything is ok.
    I don't know where the bug is: is it the plugin for roundcube, or rather is the problem caused by remoting API in Ispconfig?

    Horfic what du You think ?
    ISPC 3.0.3
    Roundcube 0.4.2
    Plugin revision 111
  9. Sinchan

    Sinchan New Member

    tab account didnt show up

    i have problem with roundcube plugins installation in new ispconfig server. I have follow Horfic's Install Guide be carefully and make sure step by step but still no luck. There are no account tabs in "Setting Menu".

    I am using lenny, ISPConfig, and try 2 stable release roundcubemail-0.4.1 and roundcubemail-0.4.2.

    This is an message error from ../roundcubemail/logs/error :
    Any help will be appreciated and thank you in advance
  10. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    Sounds like you but them in the main config to load, but forgot to put the plugins into the plugin folder.
  11. Sinchan

    Sinchan New Member

    thanks for your reply Horfic,
    but i am not forgot put the plugins into plugins folder.
    here we go list folder and file plugin and api plugin file :
    anyway, i'll try again to reinstall roundcubemail and i'll report later.
    Thank you

    --- update --
    finally i have found the problem.. owner ispconfig plugins file and folder is wrong!!
    previously, i setup the roundcubemail under www-data:root... but ispconfig plugins under root:root owners..
    once again thank you...
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2010
  12. martinswart

    martinswart New Member

    Problem with user/group

    I am new to Linux. A few questions;

    The 1st step to update the database;
    `remote_username` = '<<REMOTE USERNAME>>'
    Can I use any name? I used sqmail_remote_user

    The 2nd problem;
    chown -R <<webuser>>:<<webgroup>> ispconfig3

    How do I find webgroup=????

    $ispc_config['remote_soap_user'] = '<<REMOTE USERNAME>>';
    $ispc_config['remote_soap_pass'] = '<<REMOTE PASSWORD>>';

    Is the REMOTE USERNAME here the same as in the 1st step, or is it the username to login to the ISPconfig hosting control panel? The answer to this will explain the REMOTE PASSWORD.

  13. Sinchan

    Sinchan New Member

    Login ISPConfig on the menu System -> Remote Users. Fill in user and password that you want in this section. This is a remote username and remote password that you ask above. Please read Horfic's manual here at number 2

    Usually the apache user has the same group, ie apache.
    If you want to find a user group, use the command "id" from shell. For example I use www-data user:
  14. neutrino

    neutrino Member

  15. Horfic

    Horfic Member

  16. neutrino

    neutrino Member

    Well, tbh i've read the first page and the last one of this topic (just installed roundcube tonight) and since I didn't read something about roundcube 0.5 I asked for some news :)

    I have no idea what this "trunk" is, but I'll go check it out, any post I should read to help me save some time ?

    edit : I've never used svn before so, if my question seems stupid, don't worry :p
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  17. neutrino

    neutrino Member

    Ok I just found out how everything works (never used an ispconfig plugin before), really great job mate, thanks :)
  18. radim_h

    radim_h Member

    Default Identity Name

    Hello Guys,

    plugin is great!

    Haven't you think about reading Default identity name
    from ISPC db:dbispconfig, table: mail_user, column: name
    instead of roundcube identities table?

    I must always explain to the users, that they have to set their real name in Rouncube profile to not have outgoing email withnout name.

    When then name will be set in ispconfig, they don't have to do it anymore..

    or maybe synchronize mailuser name between ISCP and Roundcube tables...
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  19. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    Good idea, will be added to my todo list.
  20. radim_h

    radim_h Member

    Best solution will be not use Roundcube identities table at all..

    But as some users have Name allready filled, it should be fine to have some initial import script eg. when User name in ISPC table is empty, read name from identities table...

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