SPAMHAUS apache module

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by te0, Jan 3, 2011.

  1. te0

    te0 New Member


    This post is related to this how to
    I just installed this module, all is ok, but in error_log I get just something like that:
    "[client XX.YY.ZZ.WW] mod_spamhaus: address XX.YY.ZZ.WW is blacklisted but it's not in the range. POSSIBLE WILD-CARDING TYPOSQUATTERS ATTACK! IP address will not get filtered ......."
    This IP should be blocked, but...

    No filtred IP's reported.
    What can generate this situation?

    thank you
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2011
  2. dev\null\

    dev\null\ New Member

    Hi there, i've got the same error as you. I tried to install it several times but nothing fixed the error. Still no ip's are getting filtered.

    Edit: "mod_spamhaus: address is blacklisted. Deny connection..."

    some ip's seems to get filtered, but i just don't understand this error with "..blacklisted but it's not in the range.."

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2011
  3. te0

    te0 New Member

    may be it is a DNS problem
  4. Crimm

    Crimm New Member

    I've got the same problem over here. This is the only place Google can direct me :(
  5. Crimm

    Crimm New Member

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