Ciitix-wifi pass problem ?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by barcavn, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. barcavn

    barcavn New Member

  2. barcavn

    barcavn New Member

    Please help me ? Thanks a lot!!!
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I've never used CIITIX-Wifi, so I can't help, but have you tried to contact the author of the tutorial? You can send him a PM.
  4. bravekardia

    bravekardia New Member

    the password is "ciitixwifi"... take care
  5. barcavn

    barcavn New Member

    Thanks. I got it.

    But now i can't view my online user. What's wrong ?
  6. awan

    awan New Member

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