
Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by kmullen, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. kmullen

    kmullen New Member

  2. Agent_M

    Agent_M Member

    In the Perfect Server set up guide it will of told you to call your server something like server1.domainname.tld . So the address to webmail would be http://server1.domainname.tld/webmail.

    Make sure DNS records are set up correctly, and propagated ( can take up 24-48 hours every time you make a change. You should have DNS records set up for server1.domainname.tld , you can check the current dns by doing a dnsdig at http://ftp.menandmice.com/knowledgehub/tools/dig ( leave "Name Server" blank )

    If squirrelmail comes up when you use the IP address, then its installed and working ok, which means its most likely just a domain/DNS issue.
  3. delfo2000

    delfo2000 Member

    I have the same problems, but my domain is up I can control with
    http://www.mydoamin.com/phpmyadmin and all work fine
    but if I use
    http://www.mydomain.com/webmail there is error:
    ERROR: Config file "config/config.php" not found. You need to configure SquirrelMail before you can use it.

    again with:

    http://myinternal_IP/webmail works fine
    http://myexternal_IP/webmail works fine

    I don't think is DNS problem, but I don't understand the error.

  4. Agent_M

    Agent_M Member

    Is the output of the following 2 commands the same as www.mydomain.com in your post above?

    hostname -f
  5. delfo2000

    delfo2000 Member


    root@dns1:~# hostname
    root@dns1:~# hostname -f



    http://www.cuill.es/webmail/   is down error
    http://cuill.es/webmail/           is down error
    http://mail.cuill.es/webmail      is up
    http://cuill.es/                      is up
    http://www.cuill.es/               is up
    http://dns1.cuill.es/               is up apache works
    http://dns1.cuill.es/webmail     is up
  6. Agent_M

    Agent_M Member

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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