Look, Theme

Discussion in 'General' started by webdirector.de, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. webdirector.de

    webdirector.de New Member


    I updated my ISPConfig from version 2 to version 3.03.2. But when I login the look is still the same. It does not look like the theme you see in the online demo.

    Can somebody tell me what I have to do to get the new look ?

  2. What do you mean by 'updated' from ISPConfig 2 to 3 ?

    Ispconfig 3 is a clean install only, you cannot upgrade from 2 to 3.
  3. webdirector.de

    webdirector.de New Member


    Well actualy. I had updated Ubuntu and then ISPconfig was not working anymore. So I just did the install from fresh and when I wanted to run install.php it said that there is an older version and to use update.php and that is what I did and it worked.
    and if I go under monitor I see " ISPConfig" so it did update the installation.

    Again my question was not if it is possible to update but much more why does it still look like 2,0 and not like the one in demo here

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    First, it is not possible to update from ispconfig 2 to 3. So whatever you did, it could never result in a update from ispconfig 2 to 3. Thats as if you take a MacOS X update DVD to update your Windows XP install. The result can never be a working system.

    So if you had ispconfig 2 installed before, then your setup is now messed up. The only way that I see at the moment to rescue the data that exists on your server is either to rstore a full backup of the system to a point before you tried to instal ispconfig 3 or to move the website and mail data to a new server which has ispconfig 2 installed as described here:

  5. webdirector.de

    webdirector.de New Member

    again, my installation is functionning no problem.

    Please have a look at my picture that I just attached. The left side is my installtion as you can see it says ISPconfig and on the left side of the picture is the online demo.

    Attached Files:

  6. webdirector.de

    webdirector.de New Member

    I just did a ISPConfig update and now it looks like this ???

    Attached Files:

  7. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    So what's the problem you are currently facing? The the GUI design does not meet your expectations compared with the ispcfg 3.x online demo sinse you did an upgrade within the 3.x tree?

    Or are there any functional problems?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig has different themes, some with icons and some without icons. So if you select a Theme for your current logged in user that has icons, then icons get displayed. If you select a theme without icons, then no icons get displayed. This does not depend on the ispconfig version.

    So to sum it up, there is no problem at all. You just found out that ispconfig supports themes and that more then one theme is available and that different themse make a software look different :)

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