View/Edit a file on the FTP!

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by makensy13, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. makensy13

    makensy13 New Member


    It is impossible to view / edit a file on the FTP space with FileZella!
    Ay there a setting to do on the ISPConfig server or PureFTPd

    Thank you
  2. Germanius

    Germanius Member

    I use Filezilla and it is possible for me.
    Make a right click on the specific file and choose "view/edit".
  3. makensy13

    makensy13 New Member

    The problem is not new transferred files but the files already existing.
  4. Germanius

    Germanius Member

    Then have a look who the owner of those files is. If it is root, you cant edit it.
  5. makensy13

    makensy13 New Member

    No this is not the root account. I just make further tests and it changes nothing. When I transfer files it works but after modification and reconnect again, not possible to view / edit and even recover.
  6. makensy13

    makensy13 New Member

    It's ok for me. The solution:

    We must correctly set the ratioupload and ratiodownload.
    I gave -1 is all OK.

    Thank you


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