Virtual Domains Squirrelmail Postfix Courier

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by matiancai74, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. matiancai74

    matiancai74 New Member

    i have now managed to follow the entire tutorial and can call up Squirrelmail on my server, however, i am getting the error:
    'Connection dropped by IMAP server'
    Could someone please help me correct this?
    many thanks
  2. Jaac

    Jaac New Member

    Did you check if the password you set, is the same in all configuration files (10 in most cases)?
    The tutorials use mail_admin_password which u have to replace with your own password.

    Also you should post more details about your issue, which tutorial, which OS, and the contents of your mail.log and auth.log.
  3. matiancai74

    matiancai74 New Member

    I followed Falko's virtual domains tutorial for Ubuntu 10.10. This is the content of Auth.log when I try to log in:

    Jan 27 07:30:01 regents-pattaya CRON[14473]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
    Jan 27 07:30:01 regents-pattaya CRON[14473]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root.

    That's it.
    Mail.log shows this:

    Jan 27 07:30:09 regents-pattaya postfix/smtp[14512]: fatal: specify a password table via the `smtp_sasl_password_maps' configuration parameter
    Jan 27 07:30:10 regents-pattaya postfix/master[13307]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtp pid 14512 exit status 1
    Jan 27 07:30:10 regents-pattaya postfix/master[13307]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtp: bad command startup -- throttling
    Jan 27 07:31:09 regents-pattaya imapd: Connection, ip=[::1]
    Jan 27 07:31:09 regents-pattaya imapd: LOGIN FAILED, user=********, ip=[::1]
    Jan 27 07:31:09 regents-pattaya imapd: authentication error: Input/output error
    Jan 27 07:31:10 regents-pattaya postfix/smtp[14637]: fatal: specify a password table via the `smtp_sasl_password_maps' configuration parameter
    Jan 27 07:31:11 regents-pattaya postfix/master[13307]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtp pid 14637 exit status 1
    Jan 27 07:31:11 regents-pattaya postfix/master[13307]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtp: bad command startup -- throttling
    Jan 27 07:32:11 regents-pattaya postfix/smtp[14648]: fatal: specify a password table via the `smtp_sasl_password_maps' configuration parameter
    Jan 27 07:32:12 regents-pattaya postfix/master[13307]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtp pid 14648 exit status 1
    Jan 27 07:32:12 regents-pattaya postfix/master[13307]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtp: bad command startup -- throttling
    Jan 27 07:33:12 regents-pattaya postfix/smtp[14676]: fatal: specify a password table via the `smtp_sasl_password_maps' configuration parameter
    Jan 27 07:33:13 regents-pattaya postfix/master[13307]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtp pid 14676 exit status 1
    Jan 27 07:33:13 regents-pattaya postfix/master[13307]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtp: bad command startup -- throttling

    Looks like I might have to config this smtp_sasl_password_maps parameter? Any idea how?
    Thanks very much guys.
  4. matiancai74

    matiancai74 New Member

    I have looked in /etc/postfix/ and found no mention of the parameter smtp_sasl_password_maps.
    Should it be added and how?
    Thanks guys.
  5. matiancai74

    matiancai74 New Member

    i tried:
    postconf -e 'smtp_sasl_password_maps = /etc/postfix/sasl/smtp.conf'
    but to no avail, it doesn't work. Any suggestions?
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you post your
  7. brianwc

    brianwc New Member

    Connection dropped

    Doesn't this error happen when you haven't sent the initial test email to the user? This happened to me before but I can't remember what fixed it. I think the earlier suggestion that you very carefully review all the config files for a mistaken password may also be the problem.

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