After a clean install on a 32bit CentOS 5.5 server and following the installation steps in the CentOS 5.4 installation textfile in the docs folder everything seems fine. starting the console http://localhost:8080 gives me the login screen for the console. When trying to access the console with the default first time credentials (admin/admin) I get the message: ERROR 1.Error Username or Password wrong.1 So something must have not completely gone correct during the installation. How can I correct this error? or can anyone push me in the direction of resolving this?
Maybe I should be more clear I try to log on to the ISPconfig 3 latest version ( console via a webbrowser, not trying to log on to the server.
localhost, ip-address, dns resolvable name, all get me to the page perfectly. Somehow the password for the administrator account was not properly set at installation of ISP Config 3
Maybe there's been a problem checking your log in credentials. Can you confirm that mysql is running?
I went into mysql and found that the installation did not create the database properly. I de-installed ISPConfig and re-installed it. this seems to have solved my problem. I can now succesfully log in to the console.