The billing addon is paying!! 59€....

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by makensy13, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. makensy13

    makensy13 New Member

    I just learned that the billing module is paying! Its price 59 €!
    Think that all users?
    Thank you for your answers!
  2. germinator

    germinator New Member

    I personally dont have anything to complain about that .. if i'd use plesk, I would have to pay 70€ per month ! Once 59€ thats like buying an xbox game .. and when you buy the module you are likely to make more than 59€ in your time as a webhoster.

    write your own billing module if you dont want to pay for it

    btw I also think its a great way to Support the developer team !
  3. makensy13

    makensy13 New Member


    For information regarding the solution Plesk, my host moved me to:

    € 9.99 / month for 100 domain names.

    I just had a conversation with Till, who made the thing and I agree with him.
    I now understand why the Add on billing charges.

  4. Franz

    Franz Member


    one time price of 59€ is OK.

    License is per ISPconfig installation or one time?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Licensing is per ispconfig interface control panel server. So if you run e.g. a ispconfig multiserver system with one control panel server, 10 webservers, 2 mailservers and 2 DNS servers, then you need 1 licence.
  6. Franz

    Franz Member

    and one more question,
    i'm planing to migrate app sites to new instalation of isp config on new server(s).

    License can be transfered from old interface to new ispconfig interface?

    Or I have to wait to complete with migration?

    Best regards,
    and continue to do good work.
  7. theWeird

    theWeird Member

    Price of 59€ is really OK for good work.
    I make money with my servers and this module will reduce my work for billing massively.
    I've been waiting for this module so long. When it is officially released, I'll buy it.

    Another question:
    Which way is used to install this module? Manually by uploading some files or using the Apps-Repository in 'System'?
    Will bugfixes and updates of the module be included in the licence?
  8. jboud

    jboud Member

    you made my day

    I'm so happy to finally see this addon and I'll be glad to pay for your efforts. I bet most of us (if not all) feel the same, so bring it on and cash out. :)
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The license allows you to run the billing module on one active server plus one development system that you run e.g. to test ispconfig software updates and which is not actively used to bill your customer.

    If you run two system parallel for a few weeks e.g. to migrate customers, then its ok to run the billing system on both active servers. It just has to be a reasonable timespan for a transition like a few weeks and not a few years ;)

    So transferring the license to a new server is no problem.

    The billing module will not be encoded with zend or a similar technology to allow you to modify and adjust the code for your needs.

    We plan to use the apps repository. But there might be also a shell install script for it.

    The license will include one year of free updates and bugfixes.

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