DNS issue Debian Squeeze ISPConfig 3 Bind

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by mleeroberts, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. mleeroberts

    mleeroberts New Member

    I have installed The Perfect Server – Debian Squeeze (Debian 6.0) With BIND & Courier [ISPConfig 3] per instructions into an openvz container. The openvz host is inside my router and is serving my website and email. All relevant traffic is forwarded to my openvz host. I am not using ISPConfig or Bind for dns, this is handled externally.

    I have two issues: First while inside the ISPConfig container I cannot ping a domain name and have it resolve. IP's work fine. This is causing a problem with reaching the debian servers for updates and also with resolving an external domain for fetchmail. FYI prior to install of "The Perfect Server" resolving dns was not a problem from inside of the container. If I open all ports on the ISPConfig firewall > 1000 then the domain names will resolve.

    Second, trying to access squirrelmail with http://www.mydomain.com/squirrelmail causes a file to be downloaded in the browser. If I substitute my IP here it works as well. There is no change here with firewall status.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you enable PHP in ISPConfig for that web site? If so, which PHP mode do you use?
  3. mleeroberts

    mleeroberts New Member

    Yes, the default - Fast-CGI
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please try mod_php instead.
  5. mleeroberts

    mleeroberts New Member

    I changed the setting with no effect; however, using server1.mydomain.com instead of www.mydomain.com does work which is certainly acceptable.

    Thanks for the help......now if i can just get the domain names to resolve on the server I'll be golden.

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