for some reson i manage to screw up during the update of isp config The problem i got was i cant gt into SquirrelMail whit the error: ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server I then tryd to run the update again and was able to choise stable but then it stoped whit an error Notice: Undefined variable: conf in /tmp/ispconfig3_install/install/update.php on line 76 Unable to resolve hostnamedigilab:~# any ideas here plz?
Are the files /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ and /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/ there and do they contain valid config data, especially the mysql password for the ispconfig user?
do have a copy of it in the form of a vm but right now vmware isnt very nice whit me and domt let me start it Is there any automatic backup of files like the sql one?
No. If its a vmware image, it should be possible to mount the vm images as harddisks if I remember correctly without the need to boot them. If you are not able to access them, we can try to reconstruct them manually.
finaly got that vm up runing but i cant figure out how to mark and copy the entire contest of the file (tryd nano) tryd cp cant figure out how to copy the file to ftp. tryd installing webmin and downloads the file failed during install because of some missing packets and the interface dosnt resolve dns so got to work on a fix for that before i try this way again as you probaly figured by now im not very into linux
You can connect to the VM with WinSCP, download all needed files, and then upload them to your real server (also with WinSCP).