ISPConfig - Debian 6.0 64bit Email not working

Discussion in 'General' started by morraine, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. morraine

    morraine New Member

    Hi i followed the installation tutorial to the letter :

    and have a working server that i have installed a few domains on with the website working fine but i can't send or receive any emails.

    This is the first time ive setup a linux server from scratch and im not that familiar with linux administration but i followed the perfect server tutorial to the letter.

    but i tried sending an email to the new email account setup with ispconfig from a domain i host at hostgator and i got this reply a couple of hours later.

    does some one know how to get to the bottom of this problem?

    How do i check the system to see if everything has been setup properly?

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  2. morraine

    morraine New Member

    Ok so after some poking around my self i have established that sending is actually ok but i still can't receive any emails.
    imap works fine as i can view accounts via squirrelmail and outlook and i can send and receive emails between the email accounts on the server

    I'm just not receiving emails from outside of my server but can send emails to outside of the server

    emails that are coming for the outside world are not even showing up in the log

    What can be the problem??????
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  3. morraine

    morraine New Member

    Ok i noticed in other posts in this forum that in the file

    inet_inferfaces should equal:

    so i looked and it was pointing to
    so i changed to all and restarted postfix
    i then did
    netstat -tap

    and got this readout
    But im still not able to receive email
    i bought the manual for ispconfig3, but this has not giving me any more info on trouble shooting the email

    Can anyone help?
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are there any errors in your mail log (in the /var/log/ directory)?

    Please make sure that the MX records for your domains point to your server. You can check it like this:
    dig mx
  5. morraine

    morraine New Member

    Hi i finally got to the bottom of it.

    Yes the problems was the inet_interface = all issue but i added another issue when i fixed that one. i looked the logs and had loads of waring and error logs for the firstime so i removed the second issue i had created and now i can recieve email.


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