Dropbox alternative: iFolder Server on SuSe 11.2

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by theWeird, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. theWeird

    theWeird Member

    Hey there
    Anyone knows iFolder?
    iFolder is something like Dropbox.
    The big difference is that you can run your own server and don't have to trust another company.
    In past iFolder was a product made by Novell, but now it is open source and maintained by Kablink.
    More details on Kablink homepage: http://www.kablink.org

    I tried to install iFolder on a plain SuSe 11.2 installation.
    It doesn't work, I can't login the administration interface.

    Anyone succeed installing iFolder Server? Distribution doesn't matter to me, I'll run it inside a VM.
    Would be great if anyone could write a HowTo for installing this server.

    Regards, Michael
  2. irriserv

    irriserv New Member

    Install iFolder

    iFolder is something we have been trying to figure out for a long time to add to your online storage service over at http://onlinestoragesolution.com. By a long time i mean we have been testing the open source version for about 5 years.

    Anyway as of version 3.8 it works, and works well. We have about 5000 users on it and complaints are few and far between.

    It runs on SUSE and you might as well forget about anything else except for testing.

    The newest rpms work on the newest version of open suse and you can use yast to install all the mono packages.

    All you really need to do is configure apache2 for ssl and run the setup scripts and it should work out of the box.

    If you want to test a working account you can do so at http://onlinestoragesolution.com I think you will find that it's a Cool Solution.

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