I am running the perfect server 64 fedora 13. I also buy the manual. the manual don't help me with this problem. I had vhost problem which I fix. my problem is that all the folder from the hosting sites they turn red and I can not get access of the web subdirectory that is in on them to get the files. I make a mistake by not setting the backup on each website but I am still learning . So how I can make those folder permissions good again? so I can move the web folder inside on them.
Which exact changes did you do with your first "Fix" which caused the problems? I guess you changed recursively all permissions of all sites?
I make a rocky mistake by changing the vhost port from 8081 to 80 that kill the apache and the whole ISPConfig . so I went to the server and move the www directory to another place so I uninstall the ISPconfig and other like apache and php and my sql reconfigure almost everything them I try to acess the domain folder but they in red color and I can not access what is inside. also updated the ISPConfig to the newer version everything running good except I can not get my website back
This really broke ispconfig as uninstalling ispconfig kills all config data, so all websites and users that existed before will then be unavailable. The fix would have been to change the port in the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/ispconfig.vhost. But now your system is broken in a way that I recommend that you completely reinstall it.
Thank you I will do that. I will take my lost and upgrade the server and reinstall everything right now I am using my other backup server ispconfig2. I am just learning thank you again Pedro