How to access ispconfig 3 control panel by domain name

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by 911, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. 911

    911 New Member

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out if and how I can access the ispconfig cp by my domain name. Say its, well that would just resolve to the ip of at port 80 correct? Is there anyway to do this since ispconfig runs on port 8080? Thanks.
  2. i-chat

    i-chat New Member

    - the question would be - what are you trying to do exactly...

    say you have, as your webhsting domain,

    and all your servers are availible on etc etc etc.

    than you dsn will (should) resolve to the ip of your webservers.
    so if you want you want your controll pannel to be acessed by the servers dnsname example: http // than you would have to run a namebased vhost on port 80 with your server name and ispconfig as its /wwwroot.

    you could also create a forward rule to poort 8080 with mod_rewrite (but i would consider that unsafe).

    but you could also use a http 301 (redirect). - or you could explain your customers to always connect to 8080 themselves.
  3. 911

    911 New Member

    Exactly, trying to have clients able to access the control panel by domain name. So a 301 redirect would accomplish this. Not sure how to go about this. So I'd create the sub-domain server1 for Then 301 redirect server1 to ispconfig root? Anyone know where this is, I found an article that said /home/admispconfig. Not there though. Thanks again.
  4. 911

    911 New Member

    Ok, seems that the method, create dns for server1 to host ip, then redirect to /var/www/ispconfig/ is not allowed because of 403 forbidden. Any way around this, or perhaps change server1 document root perhaps?
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  6. 911

    911 New Member

    Right on. Thanks falko.

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