The Perfect server - ubuntu

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by superdaveozzborn, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. superdaveozzborn

    superdaveozzborn New Member

    Hello all

    sorta new to Ubuntu, i have been using it now for about a year now, i came across this post and i must say that it was rather enlightening in several ways, so my hats off to Falko Timme. Thank You.

    now that i have completed the tutorial several times and I got all running correctly i have a few question for i have never setup a mail server until now. ya sure apache with php and mysql is all good and loving it, but totally lost with the postfix part.

    for the mail server to work am i correct to assume that i have to have a "registered domain name" for this to work? if so not a problem I will run to the store and pick one up. OK seriously I will get one.

    I wish to use this server for my home based business and should have one any way.

    also want to utilize MySQL to keep track of my customers and such so if any one knows of a really good tutorial for that as well i would be entirely grateful.

    thanks for your time.:)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, you need a registered domain name. In addition to that, your mail server should have a static IP because otherwise it would be blacklisted, and you'd have to set up relaying:

    Do you mean a CRM system? Try SugarCRM: (should work on Ubuntu as well :)).
  3. superdaveozzborn

    superdaveozzborn New Member

    thank you falko for the links, i will be looking those over today, also will get a domain setup as well.

    thanks again.

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