ping problem !!

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by kong121s, May 8, 2006.

  1. kong121s

    kong121s New Member

    my situation is
    - I can ping full name ( from outside server but I can't ping
    - I can ping both and inside my server.(use Putty)
    - I can't ping !! but I can send mail and received mail as well.

    may be coz' I changed IP address of my server and didn't fix some file.

    Thank you.
  2. kong121s

    kong121s New Member

    :confused: I forget question. (-.-")

    My question is How to fix this problem? Which file I should fix?

    I config new IP by use ISPconfig > management > server > setting
    and config some files:
    DNS of all website, I removed it and recreated for each website.

    I try to find the solution in this forum but not found.

    Help me please. Thank you
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  4. kong121s

    kong121s New Member

    Yes, I have already read that thread before I made this thread.

    After I setting IP in Management > server > setting
    I look for some files which contain IP Address.
    some file must made a change by myself and some files are changed by ISPconfig.

    ps.I use Fedora core 5 with ISPconfig 2.2.1
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you change the DNS records for and so that they point to your new IP?
  6. kong121s

    kong121s New Member

    Yes. I deleted all dns in DNS manager and then empty recycle bin.
    and recreated dns in ISP Manager.
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you post your real domain here?
  8. kong121s

    kong121s New Member

    thank for your help, falko :)

    but I can ping now!
    may be ISP doesn't fully update.
    I think that coz' I did't change anything at last night
    but it work at this morning.
  9. Rustin

    Rustin New Member

    Most ISP's DNS resolvers will cache DNS answers for 4 hours (on average) to save them work. Windows does this too, except it remembers entries for 24 hours (by default) and even caches failed DNS answers for five minutes.
    It's almost essential to have a local non-caching (or the ability to clear the cache) DNS resolver when running a DNS server. Otherwise you can use (at the windows command prompt)
    nslookup <name to lookup> <ip of dns server to use>
    to see if it's your ISP's DNS server or your DNS server.
    Also you can flush windows cache with
    ipconfig /flushdns

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