Remote Desktop Viewer Problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by don644, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. don644

    don644 New Member

    ystemsI have two Ubuntu s on my network. The laptop is called Ubuntu and the workstation is called thor.

    Problem: I can launch Remote Desktop Viewer from Thor and select my Mac and it works. I can launch it and select my laptop (ubuntu) and control the desktop, but when I try the reverse, like trying to connect to thor from the la[top, I get the error; Connection closed. Connection to host thor.local was closed.

    This worked earlier before I installed a new HDD and reloaded the OS.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you check your Firewall settings?
  3. don644

    don644 New Member

    No I didn't need to. I finally realized that you have to activate the "allow remote desktop support" feature in the remote desktop support interface. It's working now. Thanks so much.

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