Is there documentation for the remoting API? I have found the examples folder with about 40-so examples and can successfully login and create a client. Next, I would like to create a site. I browsed the source and found interface/lib/classes/ and found sites_web_domain_add. I don't know if this is the function or how to call it because I don't know what to fill in for the $params array. Where can I find documentation for the remoting API?
There is no documentation for the remote API available. But you can find examples in the remote_client/examples/ subfolder of the ispconfig tar.gz file. A full list of all available functions can be found in the file /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/ The variables in the $params array are named like the columns in the corresponding database table. You can find also some examples and discussions here in the dev forum about that.
Is sites_web_domain_add the correct function for adding a new site? It looks like it's just for adding a domain to an existing site, but it's the closest I could find in
How do I know what values to fill in for system_user, system_group, and php_open_basedir? I see these values filled in for other sites I've created manually in the admin, but they seem to be generated based on the users and directories that ISPConfig creates for the site?
If I fill in those values with some from another row, I get the error, "Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [data_processing_error] documentroot_error_empty"
Example of creating a site through API PHP: $params_website = array('server_id' => 1, 'ip_address' => '*', 'domain' => $myusername.'', 'type' => 'vhost', 'parent_domain_id' => '', 'vhost_type' => 'name', 'hd_quota' => 999999, 'traffic_quota' => '1000', 'cgi' =>'y', 'ssi' =>'y', 'suexec' =>'y', 'errordocs' =>'1', 'subdomain' =>'www', 'ssl' =>'n', 'php' =>"mod", 'ruby' =>'y', 'active' =>'y', 'redirect_type' =>'no', 'redirect_path' =>'', 'ssl_state' =>'', 'ssl_organisation' =>'', 'ssl_organisation_unit' =>'', 'ssl_country' =>'', 'ssl_domain' => $myusername.'', 'ssl_request' =>'', 'ssl_cert' =>'', 'ssl_bundle' =>'', 'ssl_action' =>'', //'stats_password' =>$mypassword, 'stats_password' =>'', 'stats_type' =>'webalizer', 'backup_interval' =>'daily', 'backup_copies' =>'7', 'document_root' =>'/var/www/clients/client'.$client_id.'/web'.$domain_id, 'system_user' =>'web'.$domain_id, 'system_group' =>'client'.$client_id, 'allow_override' =>'All', 'php_open_basedir' =>'/var/www/clients/client'.$client_id.'/web'.$domain_id.'/web:/var/www/clients/client'.$client_id.'/web'.$domain_id.'/tmp:/var/www/'. $myusername.''.$myusername.'', 'custom_php_ini' =>'', 'apache_directives' => '<Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>', 'client_group_id' =>$client_id +1 ); $website_id = $client->sites_web_domain_add($session_id, $client_id, $params_website);