This script will download netboot images for major linux distributions and make a menu for PXE Booting in your tftpboot dir. Current Distributions : Arch CentOS Debian (stable,unstable and testing) Fedora Mandriva Slackware Suse Ubuntu (stable and testing) Hardware Detection Tool included Requirements : sed and lftp in your path. 1. Download attachment to this post. 2. unpack attachment : Code: tar xvzf pxeinstaller2.tar.gz 3. edit config options in top of script : Code: vi 4. Run Script : Code: sh 5. Boot network client via PXE 6. Install your favorite Linux dist To redownload any of the installers : just delete its subdir. Arch Linux is supported...Package available by request, it is too big to attach here.
While I realise this is an old thread.. could anybody update this script to aquire the x32 as well as the x64 network installs? Id be grateful.. OK, Id like to amend my request.. Install for x86, x64. **Updated: Script seems to error out on syslinux extraction via tar. When I do so manually and try to boot to it its all screwed up :/ Guess this is long since abandoned.
Is there an updated script for this? I just ran this on my CentOS 2 Box and it failed and gave me errors....I would suspect because the mirrors are no longer there....Thanks in Advance
Since this is such an old post, I don't expect any replies, but I've updated the script. I haven't tested it yet, but if anyone is interested in trying it out, just let me know and I'll uploaded somewhere.