Report: MailScanner: Message attempted to kill MailScanner

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by macross, Dec 20, 2010.

  1. macross

    macross New Member

    First thanks so much it runs great and your support was invaluable. I will be supporting the site and coming back much more often thanks to this experience.

    Last thing for my mail server. My fuzzyclean mysql process runs at 100% I have verified the correct settings are in /usr/sbin/fuzzy-cleanmysql. Any ideas what could be causing the cpu usage. Have you seen this before? How long does the process usually run?
  2. atran

    atran New Member

    i just did a clean install and my "/usr/sbin/fuzzy-cleanmysql" job also run at near 100% CPU.
    i already checked the username/pass.
    could you please help me with this?

    btw. very nice howto, everything works at first attempt except the fuzzy-clean stuff.
  3. Rocky

    Rocky Member


    When did you do the actual installation? I recently updated the fuzzy clean script, so you might want to give it another shot.

    Let me know how it works out.


  4. atran

    atran New Member

    Hey Rocky,

    i just copied your new code from the howto and changed the username/password variables.

    started the script with --verbose but it still hangs at 100% cpu. simultaneously doing "show processlist;" in mysql doesn't show the fuzzyocr user connecting.

    manually connection with the username/pwd to mysql seems to be OK:
    mysql -ufuzzyocr -p*password*

    maybe a perl-DBI problem? how can i simply debug this.
  5. atran

    atran New Member


    found this post on the howto:


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