Apache ownership of Directory and ftp access

Discussion in 'General' started by morraine, May 23, 2011.

  1. morraine

    morraine New Member

    Hi, I am using ispconfig 3 to manage my debian 6.0 server and have installed a website on it using php_mod.
    Now i want to use sugar CRM on the website but i have had to give Apache ownership of the directory containing SugarCRM so that my environment is compatible with the script.

    i did this over SSH using:
    chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/example.com/web

    Now after doing so sugar gave my environment a clkean bill of health (as it was stuck before this with error of not having certain writable directories even though i had set them to chmod 777)

    But now the problem i have is that i cant log back into the directory via ftp with the original user (directory owner) of the website directory.

    is there a way to enable the user to access and modify the files via FTP in it as well as Apache having ownership of it?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    PLease undo the chmods that you have done above as they will cause the website to fail. The correct setup is to enable the "suexec" checkbox in the website settings and then use "php-fcgi" as php mode. All files and folders in /var/www/example.com/web have to be owned by the web[ID] user and client[id] group of the website.
  3. morraine

    morraine New Member

    thank you till that sorted every thing out.

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