Hi. I have an old hp pavilion 520n I wish to practice using linux with. The one I want to work with is Fedora 7 and I would love to do it the way you laid out in your article from 2007 The Perfect Desktop - Fedora 7, falko. When I follow the link it takes me to the newest build which is Fedora 15, and this one won't work on my old system. Where can I get the older Fedora 7 - is there one you recommend? Next question will be: will this work using comcast?
Fedora 7 is totally out of date. I doubt you can download it anywhere, and even if you can you cannot update it because it reached end of life a few years ago. If Fedora 15 doesn't work, I suggest you try another distribution such as Ubuntu.
Ha! Hey Falko, I messed around and did something right and made it work! I'm here on the old HP running Fedora 14! yeehoo.