ISPConfig 3 Install on Fedora 15

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Woodsman, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Woodsman

    Woodsman New Member

    I have had a few work a rounds with the Fedora 15 install but now I am at a blockade...
    I ran into this error the other day and tried the newer version of courier and ended up doing a fresh install of F 15.
    This is the error I got and the install is at a standstill I can't go any further without fudging it up again...

    Any help or work a rounds to get past this point would be grateful.
    Much Thanks in advance!
    The Woodsman
  2. Ghostdare

    Ghostdare Member

  3. Woodsman

    Woodsman New Member

    Thanks Ghost,
    The URL link helped get me on the right path
    Back to the Install... ;)

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