Problem with ISP3's connection

Discussion in 'General' started by sashuk, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. sashuk

    sashuk New Member

    Hello to everybody.
    Here is the problem: I had two physical web-servers - one as mail-server and hosting and the other one only for hosting. Both servers had a ISP3 installed, and the ISP of mail-server was the "master", so the hosting ISP was a "slave". Everything went well, until I've decided to install Tomcat on the mail-server. There was a bit of a mess with ports(I've assigned 8181 to ISP, and 8080 for Tomcat, then when I've discovered a trouble I've changed it back, but it did not help at all)
    The problem is: my ISP works, but it does not affect the "slave" server. It cannot monitor, change ftp/db accounts, it can do nothing with the "slave" server - it just shows a lot of mistakes (Notice: Undefined variable: html_server in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/monitor/show_sys_state.php on line 237) when I'm trying at least to monitor it.
    So here is the question: how can I reconnect my slave server to the master without losing any data? I have full ssh/root access to the slave server. (When i'm saying "data" I mean ftp/dns(!!!)/db/etc settings)
    I would appreciate help a lot.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you check the Monitor module in ISPConfig for errors?
  3. sashuk

    sashuk New Member


    Yes, it shows a lot of errors as well. I think the problem is that the slave system cannot connect properly to the master DB, so that's why they don't see each other.
    I've checked all settings of master/slave ISPConfig, and tried to launch The attempt on a master ISP was successful, however, the slave did not launch because of it was not able to connect to DB. I've checked configurations both in interface and server folder, logged in mysql with "ispconfig" user, but the itself still is not able to connect.
    Wtf, gentelmen.

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