1) Environment:Red Hat Linux bash shell Script to be run owned by user :myUser Home environment of myUser: pathto/home 2) ESP agent with root access will run JobXXX.sh su - myUser -c "/pathto/home/bin/script.sh" where script.sh has some echo statements and an exit statement in the end Current behaviour when running the script: root@ServerName1>./JobXXX.sh (and then the control remains on the following path) myUser@Servername1[pathto/home] (have to print "exit" to get the output of echo statements and ctrl back to root@ServerName1 Expected behaviour when running the script: root@ServerName1>./JobXXX.sh Runs /pathto/home/bin/script.sh Prints the echo statements ctrl is root@ServerName1 Any suggestions how to fix the issue ? Thanks for help.