centos 5.5 + hypervm + xen

Discussion in 'Technical' started by mariuscotan, May 17, 2010.

  1. mariuscotan

    mariuscotan New Member


    i have a server running centos 5.5.
    I have installed hypervm with xen and now i want to run a windows os under xen.

    I am familliar with vmware server, but not with xen.
    Finally i have created a vm with windows support, i have installed os, and after setup was completed i see there is no network card installed.

    Is there something like vmware tools, but for xen server? How could i enable networking for this machine?

    Another question: i don't know if intel virtualization suppor is enabled from bios, and i cant chek in bios because my server is in a datacenter now. Is there a commant to check if virtualization is enabled?

    My config:

    Intel Pentium D 3.2 Ghz
    4 GB memory
    320 Gb Hdd: 9.92 Gb / , 498 MB /boot , 1.39 Gb /dev/shm, 1.39 Gb /var/lib/xenstored , and the rest 289.56 GB is lvm
    6 Ip adresses
    Centos 5.5

    Thank you
  2. mariuscotan

    mariuscotan New Member

    Any ideea?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You mean hardware virtualization? Run
    egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo
    If you get output, then hardware virtualization is enabled.
  4. alexmartin

    alexmartin New Member


    Do you mean have a Xen Node and want to create the Windows VM inside of the Xen Node?

    If so can you please make sure whether you have configured network-bridge in Xen. So if you have configured let me know do you have free IP address that are responding inside of the node. Also give me the output of the Windows VM's config file.

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