server slow respond to http

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by abubin, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. abubin

    abubin New Member

    Due to the nature of what we are serving, we do not use caching. The graphics that we server is very dynamic in nature. It changes very often and cannot use cache or else it will not display latest update. Memcached would be useless as we are doing mostly writing to the database. Hence we are using innodb to avoid db locking.

    We do switch off access logging for all servers. Error logging is still enabled. However, how do I switch off access logging for a particular site or for whole apache wide?

    Today, the load problem seems to be starting again. As I expected, the change in the haproxy didn't solve anything as same amount of traffics are still being served by same servers.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please check your vhosts if you have access logs defined there (CustomLog directive). If so, just comment it out.
    The global access log is defined in the global Apache configuration (CustomLog as well).
  3. abubin

    abubin New Member

    There are no customlog directive in the individual vhost files. So I had to disable it globally from /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.conf

    I remarked the customlog line.

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